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Bromley Warm Welcome Map

Check places open in your local community, offering hot drinks, company and a warm welcome. Browse the Bromley Warm Places Map.

Staying well in winter

One Bromley What to do when you are unwell, provides a quick guide to what service to use when you feel unwell.  

One Bromley Keep your Child Well this Winter 2024-2025 has useful guidance for parents and carers looking after young ones.

How to stay well in winter - NHS guide to staying well in colder months including advice about the flu jab, COVID-19, keeping your home warm, help for heating costs and looking out for others.

NHS guide on what to do if you run out of medicine - If you run out of medicine outside of your GP surgery's normal opening hours and need some urgently, there are a few ways to get an emergency supply quickly, even if you're away from home.

Flu jab video - just do it! - Made for the NHS by Misfits Theatre Company, this short video tackles the misinformation surrounding the flu jab and urges people with learning disabilities and their carers (family member or support worker) to not delay, and get their free flu vaccine today.

Mencap have some great advice for people with learning difficulties, their families and carers and here's an NHS Easy Read Guide on looking after your health in winter.


Help with heating costs

You may be able to claim financial and practical help with heating your home. Grants available include the Winter Fuel Payment and the Cold Weather Payment

For more information on how to reduce your bills and make your home more energy efficient, go to the government's page: Find Ways to Save Energy in Your Home. Or you can get telephone support on 0800 098 7950.

You can also find out about heating and housing benefits on GOV.UK.

It's worth claiming all the benefits you're entitled to as soon as winter begins. Bromley Well's Advice and Information Service offer support on benefits and help to fill in a variety of official forms.


Look out for vulnerable neighbours and relatives

Check on older neighbours and relatives, and those with heart or breathing (respiratory) problems, to make sure they:

  • are safe and well
  • are warm enough, especially at night
  • have stocks of food and medicines so they do not need to go out during very cold weather.

If you're worried about a relative or elderly neighbour, you can contact Bromley Council Mon-Fri during office hours on 020 8464 3333. 

If you're concerned the person may have hypothermia, contact NHS 111