poster for listening campaign event 4.9.23

What makes it harder for you & your community to thrive in Bromley? Event for EVERYONE in Bromley!

Monday 04 September 2023
13:00 to 14:00

Live in Bromley borough? 

Join Bromley's online listening event which will focus on issues that affect our health and wellbeing

Our health is closely linked to the environments we live in.

We know that if you have issues with your housing, employment, and income, or access to essential resources, these can all affect your physical and mental health.

Alongside providing essential services, the NHS can also work to help prevent illness by improving the lives of people living in South East London, for example through work opportunities, fair pay, and creating healthy places to live and work.  


Join the online  event on 4 September at 1pm to share your views.  All are welcome.  Sign up  here:  

You will have an opportunity to discuss issues affecting your life, and have your views included alongside hundreds of other people across South East London.


What is the listening campaign?

Organisations in South East London, including hospitals, councils, and universities, will work together with communities to identify solutions to the issues people raise as part of the listening campaign. This work is being done in partnership with the charity, Citizens UK.

More information on the Listening Campaign can be found on the NHS website here:



Cost Free - open to all Bromley residents