hands around a mug of coffee

Coffee Morning for SEND Parent & Carers (Bromley)

Friday 17 November 2023
10:00 to 11:30

This Self Care Week, parents/carers of children with special needs are invited to join Bromley Parent voice for their regular Friday morning get together.

BPV coffee mornings are a chance for SEND carers to seek advice, support & information on services designed to help their child with an additional need in Bromley.

They offer a safe space, complimentary refreshments & a chance to connect with other parents & carers in a similar situation. All their volunteers have lived experience of caring for a child/YP with SEND, so understand the struggles and challenges many parents face.

To receive info on future events sign up to their mailing list.

Suitable for: Parents, carers, friends & family of children & YP 0-25 with a disability or additional need.

Venue: Rhiannon's Cafe, Bromley United Reform Church, Widmore RD, Bromley BR1 1RH

Time: Friday 17th November 10am- 11:30am

FREE - no booking required, just drop in and say hi!

Rhiannon's Cafe, Bromley United Reform Church, Widmore RD,
(view map)
Cost Free! Just drop in. Everyone welcome