We support vulnerable or mildly frail, older people from the age of 55 who live alone in the community or do not have anyone who can provide them with adequate support or assistance.


Who can use the service?

The service is only available by referral from the health and social care professionals listed below.

It is a ‘light-touch service’ and no personal care can be provided by our assistants.

The aim is to provide short term support – typically one x 3 hour home visit - focussing on settling the client back into their home after discharge from hospital and aiming to prevent readmission.


We provide

Bullet tick Companionship, conversation, reassurance, and confidence building

Bullet tick Help people adjust to being at home

Bullet tick Help people identify and access further support that might help by signposting or referring onwards.

We cannot guarantee same day support but try to see patients as soon as we can.


 Professionals who can refer include:

Bullet tick Hospital staff from Wards, the Clinical Decision Unit, the Discharge Lounge, the Emergency Department or Urgent Care at Princess Royal University Hospital

Bullet tick Hospital staff at the Frailty Unit at Orpington Hospital

Bullet tick Transfer of Care Bureau

Bullet tick Bromley Local Authority Staff, including Social Care Practitioners

Bullet tick GPs

For general enquiries you can email: pdss@bromleywell.org.uk or call 07983 902432. 


Resources for download:

Download icon Post Discharge Settling Service leaflet 2024.pdf


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